
It's officially summer... and it's already so, so hot. Nice 89 degrees F [31.6 degrees C] weather with the eternally scorching sun glaring down at me at all times, eh? Nice drop in air quality, too. Nice, nice. The sun also looked red a few days ago because of it [I've been told that this is so Star Wars, drop in air quality is so Heart Palpitations! So Palpatine. I don't know any other characters other than the most well-known ones. This smoke is so Reel Two Dialogue Two.]. Anyways...

I should really update this thing less often, I don't want to flood my dusty and dead Tumblr blog with this crap, y'know?
But I'm already here, so...
How am I doing? Eh, alright. I've got some job interviews coming up [my first ever!] which I've been shitting myself over as of late, I'm very socially awkward so I'm just hoping that the managers are desperate enough to hire me. Pros? I make money, the position I want is $18-20 an hour and that's like music to my ears because I can finally save up to get a better PC or something! Finally, I can play my silly video games at full graphical power without the jet engine noises of my computer fans! Cons? I have to work, I have to go to work, I have to be at work, I have to be around people, fast food, capitalism, the list goes on and on... but at least it's not customer service!

I've also gotten myself into a game development summer course program thing! Although, I'm pretty sure all of the people there are younger than me. Like, sixth graders to sophmores... But hey, I'll ignore that aspect to finally be able to fuck around in Unity! I'm a bit excited to finally have at least some idea what I'm doing when it comes to making games since I've wanted to make them for a long while!
Bit of a weird coincidence, but my urge to make a game sprouted at around the same time that I officially declared myself to be transmasc. Hmm... The weird kid FNaF and Undertale fan to transgender aroace pipeline also includes wanting to become a game dev, I suppose?

What game do I want to make? That, I'm not quite sure!
I made a story one time about a kid who befriends a lonely and delusional ringleader who is desperate for affection or whatever when I was 13 because of a clown fixation[?], I believe, and then I let it down to rest once my clown fxation died.

So I revived it, and added a few things to it! Character design changes, trying to make a narrative that does not sound like I tore it from the brain of a four-year-old, trying to see what kind of game it would be [I'm thinking of something similar to Smile for Me or Subway Midnight, currently! I do indeed chomp down on 3D environments like I haven't been fed for days, they're so interesting to me!], giving characters some actual personalities, making a house for them, adding The Horrors, things like that!

Woah. This thing has gone on for a bit too long with all of my ramblings. It's what this page specifically is for but I don't want to give people eye sores and brain sores with all of my ramblings, y'know?

See ya!